Sixth Grade Frog Advice

Technology Usage

          In sixth grade at Fort Clarke Middle School, you will be exposed to different kinds of technology, from typing, to power points and glogs.  A little bit of typing practice over the summer could be useful.  One new way of presenting a project or anything else is called a glog.  A glog is like a poster, but on a computer.  The most interesting part is that you could add animation.  Another creative outlet is comic life.  Comic life is where you can make comics, but with your face instead.  Podcasts are a favorite of many.  This is where you can record your voice and match the speed with relative pictures.  Many fifth graders have learned how to make power points.  Here we learn how to add videos, animation, and much more.  As you can see, Fort Clarke Middle School has a plethora of method to share information and learn.